What Do We Actually Know

Bernardo Kastrup

Eastern and Western lenses to Analytic Idealism

Bernardo Kastrup and Swami Sarvapriyananda

Advaita Vedanta and Ramana Maharshiโ€™s teachings

Swami Sarvapriyananda and Michael James

What is Consciousness?

Debate with Christof Koch, Bernardo Kastrup, and Rupert Spira

Non-dual Meditation

Swami Sarvapriyananda

Bernardo Kastrup

Why Materialism Is Baloney

The Light of Our Self

Rupert Spira

The Mystical Experience

Jason Silva

Solving the Paradoxes of Quantum Physics

Bernardo Kastrup & Jeffrey Mishlove


Movie 2017


Dr. Andrew Newberg